Ear infections in Children: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ear infections are a common condition we see at Eastridge Chiropractic Co., particularly among children. Characterized by fluid build up, inflammation and infection of the middle ear, these conditions can cause a lot of discomfort and pain for little ones. Recurring infections often means many rounds of antibiotics, which are disruptive to your child’s developing gut, and the possibility of ear tube surgery. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why children are more prone to ear infections, discuss the symptoms to look out for, and outline treatment options.

Why Are Children More Prone to Ear Infections?

1. Eustachian Tube Anatomy:

Children’s eustachian tubes are a different shape and structure than adults’. These tubes, responsible for equalizing pressure in the middle ear, are narrower, shorter and flatter than adults’. They are also more horizontal in children. This anatomy hampers proper drainage and ventilation, increasing the risk of fluid accumulation and infection.

2. Immature Immune System:

Children have developing immune systems that are less efficient at fighting off infections. This reduced immunity makes them more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that can cause ear infections.

3. Frequent Respiratory Infections:

Children often experience upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds or flu, which can lead to ear infections. The close proximity of the respiratory and middle ear passages allows pathogens to easily travel and cause infection.

Symptoms of Ear Infections:

1. Ear Pain:

Children may experience earache or sharp, shooting pain in the affected ear(s). Younger children might tug at their ears or cry more than usual due to the discomfort.

2. Fever:

Ear infections begin with fluid accumulation in the ear, which can become infected within a day. Once infected, the body’s response is to go into fever in order to kill the virus or bacteria.

3. Irritability and Restlessness:

Children suffering from ear infections may exhibit irritability, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping due to the pain and discomfort.

Treatment Options:

When a child comes to our office with ear infections, they have typically been through multiple rounds of antibiotics and have been told ear tube surgery may be in their near future. At this point, parents are looking for alternative treatment options. We take a multi-faceted approach and look at their diet, factors such as bottles and pacifiers, and give recommendations for managing fluid build up and strengthening the immune system.


  1. Sugar. Reduce or eliminate sugar. Sugar suppresses immune function. This includes fruit juice and anything with added sugars.

  2. Dairy. Dairy is a major allergenic food. Dairy also has naturally occurring sugars, and it causes the body to increase mucous production. Mucous build up leads to an environment conductive to ear infections.

  3. Water, fruits and veggies. Ensure colorful, pigmented fruits and vegetables at every meal and adequate hydration.


  1. Take away the Paci. This one can be the TOUGHEST! Pacifiers, however, are petri dishes for bacteria and viruses. When a child puts a pacifier in their mouth, the bacteria/viruses migrate to the back of the throat and move up the eustachian tube.

  2. Address the nose. Congestion prevents drainage of fluid in the ears. Colorado is dry, and humidifiers (we love this one because it is also an air purifier) help keep the room at 40% humidity to allow better mucous drainage. Saline nose spray throughout the day helps improve the flow of mucous, and suctioning the nose with a nose frida can help keep nasal passages open.

  3. Bottle feeding changes. Use a ventilated bottle (such as the Philips Avent Anti-Colic Air Free bottle). This prevents negative pressure being created in the inner ears, which lead to more inner ear secretions, and an environment prone to ear infections. Bottle feed in a semi upright position. Take away the bottle at 12-15 months.


  1. Moist heat. Wet a wash cloth with warm water, and place on the side of the neck of the affected ear. You can place the towel along the jaw, in front of the ear, or behind the ear on the mastoid.

  2. Massage. Using gentle pressure, massage the jaw muscles right in front of the ear lobe in a circular motion. The jaw muscles directly affect the ear canal. Massage from the base of your child’s skull along the ropey front muscle (the SCM) in long, gentle strokes. Lymph nodes live here, which are part of the immune system, and massage can help to stimulate them and improve lymphatic circulation.

  3. Chiropractic Adjustments. Chiropractic can help a child overcome a current ear infection and prevent future ear infections. The way it works is twofold - biomechanically and via the nervous system. Biomechanically - if the joints of the neck and jaw are not moving properly, the muscles cannot contract properly. If the muscles don’t contract properly, they are unable to assist in allowing the fluid to drain from the ear canals. A chiropractic adjustment helps to restore normal range of motion to the neck, and improve function of the surrounding muscles. Neurologically - a chiropractic adjustment improves the way the brain communicates with the body. This means improved immune function and healing.


  1. Garlic and Mullein Drops. Research has shown antimicrobial, pain relieving and removal of excessive ear wax with Garlic and Mullein oil drop blends. Warm the drops with steam in a tablespoon before administering for a further pain relieving effect.

  2. Saline nose spray. Saline nose spray throughout the day helps improve the flow of mucous and reduce pressure build up. Saline drops with xylitol can be beneficial.

  3. Colloidal Silver. Colloidal silver in the ear will help to kill any bacteria congregating in the ear canal. Place drops in the ear, let sit for 15 minutes, then allow the drops to drain out

  4. Breastfeeding. Make sure you nurse often and on demand as much as possible when your child is fighting an infection. This provides comfort and provides antibodies to help fight the infection.


  1. Probiotics. 70% of the immune system is in the gut. If we do not have a good gut barrier and good bacteria, we are more prone to all types of infections. This is one reason why children born via Cesarean are more prone to ear infections. Because they do not get the first exposure to good bacteria going through the vaginal canal, it is especially important that belly birth babies take a probiotic.

  2. Omega-3 fats. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and allow the body to create the necessary white blood cells to fight infection.

  3. Vitamin D3. 500 IUs of vitamin D per day are recommended for children. Vitamin D3 is crucial for immune system function.

Other considerations: There has been research showing xylitol can help reduce the incidence of ear infections. However research has also shown that it needs to be given 5 times per day in order to be effective (…impossible with young kids?). You can find Xylitol in gum, and it has also been shown to have dental benefits such as preventing bacteria from adhering to the teeth and increasing saliva production.

Be careful with Benadryl. Benadryl may provide temporary relief of congestion, however it thickens and dries up mucous, which may create an environment conductive to ear infections.

All supplements mentioned here can be found on our Fullscript dispensary at 10% off (look under “ear infections”), and all links to products mentioned can be found here.

Massage Therapy for Kids with Autism 

Data from the U S Centers for Disease Control show diagnosis for Autism:

1980 – 1 in 5000 

2021 – 1 in 44 

If this rate continued, it would mean by 2025 – 1 in 2! 

Boys are 4 times likely to be diagnosed with Autism than girls. 

Many being diagnosed at age 4. 

14 Signs and Symptoms:

1). Disconnection to Others 

2). Apparent Lack of Empathy 

3). Indifferent to Human Interaction 

4). Emotional Outbursts 

5). Delayed Language Development 

6). Prone to Non-Verbal Communication 

7). Difficulty Understanding Figurative Expressions 

8). Repetitive Behaviors 

9). PICA – Tendency to eat objects that are not food 

10). Sensitivity to External Stimuli 

11). Obsessive Behaviors 

12). Lack of Communication 

13). Seemingly Unresponsive 

14). Do Not Like Being Touched or Cuddled 

6 Medical Findings:

1). Present in Brain Scans

2). Genetic Links May Exist 

3). Higher Risk for Premature Babies 

4). The Gastrointestinal Link-Gut Bacteria 

5). The Immunity Dysfunction 

6). Autism Might Not be a DISorder at All-It’s just a different way for the brain to function say  some experts. 

Massage Benefits for the Autistic Child:

Decreases Muscle Tension and Pain – found to be prevalent in the legs and calves

Helps improve sleep

Improves Coordination and Movement 

Calms and Regulates the Nervous System 

Reduces Anxiety 

Improves Behavior  

Improves Speech and Language 

Improves Communication and Sensory Challenges 

Improves Social Interactions 

Improved focus in the classroom 

Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve, having positive effects on other areas of the body. 

Studies show, used as an effective early intervention, Massage can lessen the severity of characteristics by 1/3  in he first 5 months after diagnosis. Autistic children are known to have difficulty receiving and responding to information coming in through the senses. Massage provides proprioceptive input which  can regulate an autistic child’s sensory system. 

What to expect from a Massage Session? 

The Effects and Benefits are extremely individualized which makes each session custom to each  client. Be prepared to discuss as much information about the client as possible. The more informed, the  better the outcome will be. Sessions are lead by the client. Many of the clients live in a world of constant  discomfort, stress and alarm. Giving them control of their session helps them to feel safe and more  capable of building a rapport with the massage therapist. Touch therapy may not be performed on the  client first session but demonstrated on the parent or caregiver so they can observe someone receiving  touch therapy. The client may not always want to receive massage every session which gives us an  opportunity to experiment with sound therapy, art therapy, play therapy, breath therapy, music therapy or dance therapy, following the lead of the client. Sessions can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour,  determined by the client. When combined with traditional treatment, touch therapy has been found to  boost the effects of conventional therapies.  

My Journey

My personal journey into the world of Autism began in 2018 when I received a call from a young  mother of an Autistic daughter. Her daughter had been receiving weekly massage as part of her  treatment and quickly noticed the many benefits her daughter was receiving from this service.  She made it her life’s mission to share with others the benefits of massage for their autistic  loved one. She enrolled immediately in a massage program, licensed with the state and started  her own company in honor of her daughter Angel. She found herself getting very busy quickly  and could not keep up with the workload. She contacted my school for referrals and was given  my contact information as a possible candidate. I had very little experience in working with this  population but eagerly accepted the opportunity to learn from these individuals. It was so much  more than I expected in so many beautiful ways. To observe these clients that were non-verbal  begin trying to communicate during sessions. learning to trust and finding comfort from our  sessions, watching them move more fluidly without having such tight muscles that are common  for autistic individuals and so many, many more benefits. I stepped away but often find myself  thinking about this work.

Recently my 3-year-old grandson is showing signs of being on the  Spectrum. I began working with him on breathing exercises combined with Tai Chi and Qigong  techniques as well as energy techniques to help soothe him when he begins getting frustrated.  He began doing these on his own, tools to self soothe. His daycare recently contacted my  daughter-in-law and informed her that they would not be renewing his contract, finding him too  difficult for them to handle. As I observe my son and daughter-in-law begin their journey down  this difficult maze of testing and services, Ive found myself doing more research and what I am  discovering is astonishing. Like the mother who contacted me in 2018 I am finding the need to honor my grandson and share my experience and services supporting others effected by Autism.

Sue Walker, LMT

How Chiropractic Helps Babies with Reflux

It is normal for babies to spit up after eating a little too much or changing positions quickly. We expect this and that’s why we burp babies and have spit up blankies! However, where do we draw the line between normal spitting up and excessive reflux?

A diagnosis of GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) can be made based on symptoms including: if an infant has more than 5 episodes of reflux per day, regurgitates approximately 28 g (= 2 Tbsp) per episode, refuses or has problems with feeding, problems gaining weight and demonstrates increasing irritability. Other ways to diagnose GERD is with intra-esophageal pH monitoring, scintography, intraluminal esophageal impedance and inflammation testing, although these methods of diagnosis are more invasive and unnecessary.

Complications of GERD include chronic or recurring sinus or ear infections. If GERD is unresolved, it can lead to esophageal ulcerations or eventually Barrett’s esophagus - a condition where the chronic irritation of esophageal cells leads to cancerous proliferation.

When evaluated by a medical doctor, a prescription for a Proton Pump Inhibitor such as Omeprazole or Prilosec is often made. This can be effective, however, like many medications, there are consequences from long term use including increased risk of infections and decreased magnesium and calcium absorption, leading to a loss of bone density (1).

If your baby does not meet the diagnostic criteria for GERD, it may be wise to still get them checked out. Other signs to address baby’s reflux include:

  • Spitting up between feeds

  • Large amounts of spit up or multiple productive spit ups after feeding

  • Distended belly

  • Crying or distress after feeding

  • Baby does not want to feed

  • Crying or arching their back when feeding

  • Frequent waking at night

  • Excessive intestinal gas

So, what do we do?


We always start by taking a history, including asking questions about diet. Is there a family history of allergies or food sensitivities? If baby is formula fed - what are the ingredients? We recommend a hydrolyzed, low allergen formula, free or minimal in gluten, soy and dairy.

If baby is breastfed, how is mom’s diet? If there is a family history of food sensitivities or allergies, removing that item is a good start (2). Otherwise, in our experience, dairy is a common perpetrator.


We perform a complete exam: This means we check the head and skull for asymmetries or flat spots, check the mouth, lips and tongue for ties, check the jaw for joint restrictions, check the spine from the neck to the pelvis, and look for abdominal tension.

A few things we often find in babies with reflux include:

  • Upper cervical restrictions which may affect the nervous system’s communication with the digestive system

  • Jaw restrictions which make feeding more difficult and causes baby to suck in more air while feeding

  • Thoracic restrictions which may restrict the diaphragm from contracting and relaxing, which may affect the stomach and esophagus

  • Tension in the abdomen and diaphragm which may be aggravated from distressed crying

The esophagus passes through a hole in the diaphragm to the stomach. When infants are in pain and uncomfortable, they cry more, exercising their diaphragm more and causing diaphragmatic tension. This in turn can affect the stomach and esophagus as they pass through the diaphragm, and may contribute to reflux symptoms.

By correcting our findings, we allow more musculoskeletal ease and improved nervous system function. This leads to an improvement in reflux symptoms and in baby’s overall comfort.


Chiropractic treatment for a baby looks MUCH different than treatment for an adult. We use as much pressure as you’d use to squeeze a tomato to check its’ ripeness. There is no popping or twisting. Every time Baby comes in, we may adjust them in a different position based on what is comfortable for them - sometimes it’s while holding them, while laying on mom or dad or while laying on their back in a pillow. 

We will often see baby 2-3 times a week for a couple weeks to make our adjustments and to make sure they “stick” and are integrated. Then, we re-evaluate. We want to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to make sure your infant is out of pain, able to thrive, and the rest of the family can enjoy a better sleep.

  1. O’Neill, LeAnne et al. “Long-Term Consequences of Chronic Proton Pump Inhibitor Use”, US Pharmacist, March 2013 https://www.uspharmacist.com/article/longterm-consequences-of-chronic-proton-pump-inhibitor-use

  2. Gordon, Morris et al. “Dietary modifications for infantile colic.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 10,10 CD011029. 10 Oct. 2018, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011029.pub2


  3. 3. Alcantara, Joel, and Renata Anderson. “Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin.” The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association vol. 52,4 (2008): 248-55. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2597889/pdf/jcca-v52-4-248.pdf

Shantai Watson, DC

5 Reasons Your Child Needs a Chiropractor Too

Kids love chiropractic, and having your child checked by a chiropractor is important. Just like your dentist and pediatrician performs wellness exams to make sure your child is growing, developing properly and thriving, so do chiropractors!


Chiropractors examine your child’s musculoskeletal and nervous system. So, why is this important? In addition to the physical stress of the birth process, your child endures many falls and knocks as they grow and develop, which usually result in spinal misalignments. The spine houses the spinal cord, which can be thought of as an “information highway” that relays all information between the brain and the body. This communication is key for balance and coordination, along with the self-regulating and healing mechanisms. When there are misalignments in the spine, the brain cannot communicate as clearly with the rest of the body. Chiropractors identify and correct these spinal misalignments. This in turn may help to prevent or resolve problems like nursing difficulties, irritability and poor balance.

An adjustment doesn’t look the same with a child as it does an adult. With babies, there is no sound, and we use the same pressure as squeezing a ripe tomato. Children respond very quickly to chiropractic care, and once they warm up to the office, they love coming in for their adjustment. We recommend bringing your child in for an assessment and adjustment within the first 1-2 weeks after they are born, and then once every 1-3 months. Bring them in sooner, however, if they are experiencing any of the following:

1. Infants with reflux, troubles sleeping, torticollis, irritability, constipation or suspicion of colic.

So often, we have exhausted families walk into the office, at their wit’s end trying to figure out why their baby has been so irritable. It’s so tough when baby can't tell you what’s up! So what could it be?

Osteopathic studies have shown that the majority of newborn babies have strain patterns in the cranial mechanism following birth. This means that the babies showed misalignment in their neck and skull, or had abnormal movement patterns when turning their head.

What causes this “birth trauma”??

  • A very short labor

  • A very long labor

  • The use of Pitocin to strengthen / induce uterine contractions

  • Pain medications

  • Restricted maternal birthing positions

  • Pulling or twisting the baby’s head to deliver the infant’s body

  • The use of forceps or vacuum extraction

  • Cesarean delivery

Left unresolved after birth, the strain patterns that develop after birth may develop to musculoskeletal pain, and may impact a baby’s growth and development. Ultimately, it may result in issues such as reflux, troubles sleeping, nursing difficulties, torticollis, irritability, constipation etc. Chiropractors have many gentle, safe and effective techniques for helping to resolve these issues, along with a host of other pediatric specialists to refer you to, if needed.

2. Milestones

Whether your child is considered ahead, behind or right on time with their milestones, these represent the perfect time to have them checked by a chiropractor.

There are 4 kinds of milestones that children achieve throughout their development. These include cognitive milestones such as a preschooler learning the alphabet; social and emotional milestones such as learning how to interact or share with other people; communication milestones such as learning words, or pointing at objects; and finally physical milestones such as tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, pulling up, crawling, walking, etc. As chiropractors, we love to see our little patients when they hit their physical milestones.

Milestones are important because they represent new connections being paved in the brain. Milestones tend to build on each other. If one milestone isn’t being achieved, it may slow down the timing for when they will achieve their next milestone.

Why isn’t my child hitting their milestones at the recommended time?

Kids develop at different rates, and that’s okay. You may find that your child is ahead of the curve when one milestone is concerned, but behind the curve for another. We can’t expect our children to develop according to a textbook.

When a baby is born, they are prepared with a set of “primitive reflexes” that help to protect them from basic things like falling and to help them orient towards their mother's nipple to eat. These reflexes include the Moro reflex, Rooting reflex and Landau’s reflex, to name a few. While these reflexes are important as a newborn, they become unnecessary as the baby grows and is better able to interact with their environment. If these reflexes are retained for too long, you can think of them as taking up precious space and real estate in your baby’s brain. That means they may have less capacity to move on to their next milestone.

During your child’s exam with a trained pediatric chiropractor, they will check your child’s primitive reflexes to ensure they are demonstrating the reflexes that are appropriate for their age. If they have retained primitive reflexes, we will work on extinguishing them to free up that precious real estate in your baby’s brain, in order to move on to their next milestone. With gentle adjustments, we also ensure they have the proper biomechanics, and the most optimal brain-body communication to set them up for success for working on their next milestone.

3. You notice your child is crawling, walking or running unconventionally

Proprioception is often considered “the sixth sense” - the sense of “where we are in space”. It is essential to balance and movement. Studies such as this one demonstrate how adjusting the spine improves proprioception.

Proprioception is imperative for movement. If the brain does not have an accurate idea of where it is in space, it may compensate by developing abnormal movement patterns. In the first year of life, this may include bum scooting, looking down when crawling, or skipping crawling and moving to bear-walking to name a few. As stated in this scholarly article by Heiner Biedermann, MD “The importance of this transition from the 2- dimensional way of life into the third dimension is still widely underestimated”. Verticalization (learning to stand on 2 feet) is one of the most important things that happens in the first year of your baby’s life. During this time, the curve in the lower spine develops. If poor movement patterns develop in this key time, the child may be more prone to developing scoliosis or other abnormal patterns such as toe-walking or running asymmetrically.

A chiropractor will work on rehabilitating the abnormal movement pattern (for example: helping a child who toe walks to learn to heel strike), will look up and down the chain to determine if there is a structural cause for the abnormal pattern, and will adjust the spine to make sure the body has a better understanding where it is in space, so it may interact with its environment better.

4. Sports, Trampolines, Falls, Injuries

Just like a dental cavity might not hurt immediately, falling off a bike or trampoline may not hurt immediately. Kids are resilient! Left untreated however, may lead to more detrimental effects. When your child experiences any kind of physical trauma, it is important to have them checked by a musculoskeletal professional.

Sports performance: One of my favorite parts of chiropractic has to be its ability to enhance sports performance. Chiropractic has been shown to improve an athlete's balance, hand-eye coordination, reaction time and ability to recover after workouts. If your child is playing sports, getting them checked by a chiropractor can help them recover, prevent injuries, and enhance their performance

5. Any pain! Growing pains, headaches etc - children should NEVER be in pain!

Kids should not be in pain! Asides from teething and losing teeth, there is no reason that a child must experience pain as a consequence of growing.

Pain with an unknown cause can be a cause of worry. It is very important to have your child evaluated by a healthcare professional if they complain of pains such as unpredictable headaches, back pain or even growing pains.

Growing pains: There are a handful of theories why children experience “growing pains”. No singular cause has ever been determined! This is both good and bad news. The bad news: we do not have a single “growing pains cure” that will work for every kid. The good news: we have a multitude of treatments we can provide to reduce these pains. These include: adjustments to correct improper biomechanics which may be contributing to their pain, a home exercise program to improve their bone density, and nutritional interventions which often include calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Back pain and headaches: When a child experiences back pain or headaches, a chiropractor will evaluate their spine to look for any misalignment. We look from the top down and bottom up: assessing their neck, shoulders, mid back, low back, pelvis, hips and feet. Often if there are faulty biomechanics in one area lower or higher in the chain, we will see back pain as a symptom. Headaches may be caused by restrictions in the neck and upper spine or from muscles referring pain to the head.

The most common cause of back pain in children, however, is scoliosis. Early detection of scoliosis is imperative to preventing the curve from progressing. Often, with a suspicion of scoliosis, your chiropractor will refer you for X-Rays to determine the measurement of the curve and to see how close your child’s spine is to maturity. The more time we have until spinal maturity, the better the prognosis for minimizing the scoliosis. A chiropractor may treat scoliosis with adjustments, muscle release therapy, traction, among other tools, or refer to an orthopedist for a brace to be fitted.

pediatric side posture

Have any other questions about chiropractic works for kids, or whether it can benefit your child? Call, text or email and we will schedule your complimentary consultation.

In health,

Dr. Shantai Watson DC