Eastridge Chiropractic Co.

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What is Lymphatic massage and how can it help?

To kick off 2022, the year of recovery and to just generally feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I would like to introduce to you a new wellness trend….

MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE (AKA LDM)                                                      

So, what exactly IS Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage and how can this benefit me? - you ask. Well if you are interested in Boosting your immunity, Detoxifying your body, Toning muscles, Enhancing your weight loss or just simply relieving fatigue, then continue reading as I navigate you thru the Lymphatic system. What it is, what it does and the benefits.


Curious? Lets get started:


What IS the Lymphatic System?

Now you and I may not like cleaning but it just so happens that our Lymphatic System does! Described as the “subsystem” of the Circulatory System and it is very similar in its structure. Made up of tiny vessels and nodes, the Lymphatic system parallels the blood vessels to support our immunity. These vessels are connected to Lymph Nodes where the Lymph fluid is filtered. Our body is largely made up of water and other fluids which can be mostly found in our blood and cells. Some of these fluids leak out. That is where the Lymphatic System comes in, sweeping up this leaked fluid and returning it to the bloodstream. The fluid that runs through the Lymphatic vessels are known as Lymph.

I like to picture it as a plate of noodles in spaghetti sauce soaking up the fluid and excess seasonings! 😊

 What exactly IS IN this fluid known as Lymph?

Lymph is a colorless fluid that contains a mix of water, fats salts, glucose, proteins and white blood cells. The main function is to fight off and eliminate toxins, pathogens and waste from the body. The Lymph travels through the Lymph vessels in the body in only on direction, unlike blood, towards the neck. Lymph is filtered thru Lymph Nodes that are found at various points throughout the body.

Fun fact! The fluid in a blister is Lymph fluid…


What are Lymph Nodes?

The Lymph vessels that the Lymph flow through are connected to Lymph Nodes. The Lymph Nodes are where all the action happens. Located at various points throughout the body, Lymph Nodes filter the Lymph fluid, riding the body of germs and waste. During this entire process White Blood Cells known as Lymphocytes attack and kill bacteria as well as viruses and cancer cells.

Now that you know a little about our Lymphatic System why would you want to receive a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?                          

Similar to our freeway system at rush hour experiencing a collision, the lymphatic system can get overloaded with too many vehicles and become congested. When left without assistance you may experience the following:

. Tiredness and fatigue

. Dry, itchy skin

. Mental fog

. Cold extremities (hands & feet)

. Weakened Immunity making it harder to fight illness

. Frequent illness

. Swelling/fluid retention

. Unexplained weight gain

. Cellulite and stretch marks

. Reduced Range of motion

. Poor Circulation

. Pain

. Bloating

Is there anything you can do to help drain the Lymphatic System on your own?

ABSOLUTELY! Try these DYI techniques at home.

1). DRY BRUSHING                                                                                                                                                         

Long before Social Media had anything to say about it, dry brushing was used by our ancestors. This technique is especially useful for skin related to lymphatic issues.  When applying a dry body brush to your body, always brush towards the heart 5-10 minutes a day. Don’t have a Dry Body Brush? These can be purchased on line, the health and beauty section of local stores or here at Eastridge Chiropractic at your next appointment or just stop in during business hours.


Gua Sha is an alternative therapy developed by the Chinese which involves using a smooth edged tool applied to the skin. This tool is traditionally made of stone. With the proper technique, this amazing little tool helps eliminate congested lymph, reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation. When applying the Gua Sha, always stroke towards the heart. The Gua Sha tool can also be purchased online or here at Eastridge Chiropractic at your next appointment or just stop in during business hours.


Simply exercising is known to move lymph, however jumping on a trampoline is the best way and much more fun! Experts have found that the rapid up and down movement will get even the most sluggish lymph moving. So grab your kids or borrower your neighbors kids and get that lymph moving!

 4). AND BREATHE….IN 1…2…3…OUT 1…2…3….

Breath experts claim that when we do not breathe properly, the body does not work properly. This goes for the Lymphatic System as well. Slow, deep inhalations and exhalations into the abdomen may actually help stimulate and pump the lymph around the body. So just take a moment and breathe, and allow your body to relax and detox.



 Do not expect Deep Tissue Massage with this technique! LDM (lymphatic drainage massage) is preformed with very light, rhythmic pumping motion focused primarily on moving the skin only. LDM can be done as a Full Body Massage or focused, targeted areas to treat specific conditions.

-Sue Walker, LMT